From the Camp Clipboard: Double Wins Means Double Celebrations!

Shalom, Herzl Friends!

What an exciting couple days it has been!!

First big update – CAMP IS CURRENTLY COVID-FREE! We completed our Day 5 testing and all tests came back negative. This means that we have been able to loosen some of our mitigation strategies and protocols. See below for more details.

Second big update – KADIMAH CLIMBED THE WALL YESTERDAY! A time-honored tradition. A team and character building activity. A source of pride and group identity. This year’s Kadimah made it up the wall in under 10 minutes – that’s almost 90 people in 9 min & 49 seconds. Really amazing. The ruach (spirit/energy) in the air at camp was awesome! Mazel tov, Kadimah 2021! Please take a moment to check out the Photo of the Day on social media!

As the Camp Director, I get the to see both the minutiae of daily life and the big picture impact of that minutiae throughout camp. Here’s what I’ve noticed the past few days:

  • Adjusting back to camp life has taken some time. Like you, all of us up here have been living through a global pandemic that changed our level of daily exertion and interactions! Getting into a communal living environment with lots of ruach, running around, hot weather, and a different pace has been a big of a shock to our systems. We’re seeing campers and staff adjust beautifully, but it’s certainly taking some time and effort. We have some sore throats and some exhaustion and are working through it together!
  • We FINALLY got some much needed “heavy dew” (Herzl’s word for rain) and we matched that day with a more relaxed schedule. It was just the ticket! A chance to choose some new activities, and give our bodies and brains some additional rest.
  • Today is the last day of our Taste of Herzl Aleph session. Our Tasters have been having a BLAST up here. Their energy and pure love of camp has been so cool to experience. A new generation of campers have officially become part of the Herzl family.

Drea signing off!  Sending you love & ruach!




  • Becky salita says:

    June 22, 2021, at 3:30 pm

    Yippee! So happy that camp is off to a fantastic, healthy start!

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