Tommy Hoffman
Executive Director

Tommy’s experience as a Herzl summer staff shaped his life and connection to the Jewish community. After a career in real estate, Tommy returned to lead Herzl Camp in 2024. Reach out any time to talk camp with Tommy!

Danya Kornblum
Senior Director of Camp & Culture

Danya grew up at Herzl Camp attending as a camper, summer staff, and Mama Ozo. After many years overseeing Jewish day camps, she returned to Herzl in 2023. Danya oversees our summer counseling staff and works closely with our families throughout the year in order to best serve our campers’ needs.

Gary Kibort
Senior Operations Director

As a child, Gary felt one year of Herzl Camp was enough but became a Herzl Camp lifer as an adult. Gary joined our team in 2005 and has held many positions. Today, he manages our finances, properties, and security, ensuring that campers and staff are in a safe and secure environment.

Michael Arato
Director of Program Innovation

Michael grew up as a camper and staff at Beber Camp, one of our fellow independent Wisconsin Jewish camps. Michael returned to the camp world in 2023 to oversee and expand our activity areas. Michael is focused on creating high quality, skill building programs for campers.

Wendy Clyman
Financial Coordinator

While Wendy was never a Herzl camper as a child, it took just one Family Camp weekend to get her hooked! She joined Herzl Camp’s team in 2013 and is the backbone of our registration and donation systems. Reach out to Wendy when you need help with your camp tuition payments, scholarship award or to make a donation.

David Getzkin
Operations Manager

David recently joined our year-round team in 2023 after many years as summer staff. David’s natural talent for logistics and details shines through in his work to keep our facility in top shape, manage our food service, and camper and staff transportation.

Beth Shapiro
Mental Health Consultant

Beth joined our team in 2018 and is here to help your family prepare for success at camp. A private practice psychotherapist in Minneapolis, Beth coaches staff around providing extra support for campers with mental and emotional health needs.

Brad Spafford
Facility Manager

Brad joined our team in 2014 and cares for our facility in Webster, Wisconsin. From snowplowing to painting, Brad and team manage over 150 acres and more than 60 buildings.