16 Apr, 2024

Ready or not?? That is the question!

With summer right around the corner, families are asking about camp. Is it too late to sign up? What can we do to help them succeed at camp? Trying camp for the first time can...

Week Two: Celebrating Milestones and Cherishing New Friendships!

Dear Herzl Camp Parents and Families, With immense joy and excitement, we bring you the latest update from the vibrant heart of Herzl Camp here in Webster, Wisconsin! Our s...

Week one! A Letter to Herzl Families

Dear Herzl Families, The countdown is finally over! Summer 2023 at Machaneh Herzl has begun! Each Friday before Shabbat, we’ll send a letter to all parents who have ki...

Israeli Camper Program Expands to Ozo Year

For the first time, a large number of Ozrim will be from Israel. Since 2012, Herzl has hosted 8th and 10th grade campers from Sderot, a small community in the Negev border...

10 Jun, 2020

Keeping the Dream Alive

Herzl Camp has closed for Summer 2020 to protect campers, staff, and their families from the coronavirus.  Indeed, this is an unprecedented response to an unprecedented situa...

3 Aug, 2016

Harold Smith’s Webster Address

At 97, Harold Smith may be one of Herzl Camp’s oldest supporters, but more importantly, he may also be one of our campiest and schtickiest camp friends. As we begin our 7...