June 26 – Ozo Shabbat Dvar Torah

27 Jun, 2022

D’var Torah: Schlach, Curiosity, Moving right along

Shabbat Shalom Machaneh. I’m Ozo Josi, I’m Ozo Brenna, and I’m Ozo Hannah.

This past week back at camp has been a week like no other. We have seen ruach, laughter and so many smiles. After being away from Herzl Camp for three years due to the pandemic, we encountered countless changes to our home. We were curious to experience camp in a new light.

In this week’s parsha, Schlach, God sent twelve spies to seek out the land of Israel. At first, they were curious to explore, but only two of them were open-minded and ready to take further action. Because the other ten whined and complained to return to Egypt, the entire generation of Israelites were punished and unable to enter the holy land for forty years. They took God’s word for granted and were all confronted with discipline. Knowing that something special could be taken away from us at any point makes us realize how meaningful each moment is.

As Ozrim, each of us anticipated the time we stepped foot back on Herzl’s grounds.
Now that we have returned, we are growing and experiencing camp-life again as one. Much like the Israelites, we sought out the land where we belonged. As a big group, we are learning to rise and fall together. Ozrim, our attitude, decisions, and effort we have each and every day will determine the summer we, and our campers, will have. Campers… each of you are here for a reason. Now that you are here, you have the ability to choose how you will make camp your own. Whether it is embracing the changes, promoting shtick, or building traditions, you all will work together to feel the Herzl magic.

Just like the minority of the Israelites, you too can explore experiences in your own
can own mindset. You can do YOUR favorite sports, eat YOUR favorite food, and have the confidence to do what’s right for YOU. Learn who you are as an individual, by learning together as a community.

The spies are perfect examples of people who are spurred by curiosity. If you lead by
example, your perseverance and resilience here at camp will flourish into the best days of your life. As we move into the next week, and further into the summer, we challenge you to strive for curiosity and embrace every opportunity you will stumble upon here.

Shabbat Shalom.

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