July 14, 2019

14 Jul, 2019

You know how your camper sometimes forgets to write when they are having too much fun at camp? Well, that’s true for this blog too – Campers have been doing so many amazing things and I’ve been busy experiencing it with them.

Let’s catch up on the last week:

1. Kadimah is building their community and their skills. They’ve been practicing for their canoe trip – learning to tip a capsized canoe, learning to paddle with their core instead of their arms, learning to communicate with their fellow paddlers. All so they can safely tackle a 3 day canoe trip soon! Their teamwork was evident when they climbed the Kadimah Wall in 8 minutes and 33 seconds!

2. Optional Tevas are going strong! We’ve had over 20 campers opt in every week of camp so far! Be sure to ask your camper if they participated and what they got out of a night in the woods.

3. This is specialty camp week – the Windchill (Minnesota’s professional Ultimate Frisbee team spent a day working with our HUC campers and ended with an exhibition game with our staff and bonfire with HUC campers. Mitbach Masters has been making some delicious food – ask them about making cheese from our fresh goats milk! Teva Adventure had a fantastic adventure with Wilderness Inquiry and got back just in time for Shabbat!

4. The 2009 Ozrim joined us for Shabbat and a 10 year reunion. They planned and led our Ozrim in an oneg about the impact of camp on their lives as young professionals. There was not a dry eye in the room! We really appreciate this tradition of giving back to today’s campers. It’s definitely Herzl Magic!

5. Waterskiing and Windsurfing are HUGE HITS at camp! It’s so cool to see and hear campers so genuinely proud and excited of their accomplishments as they try these new sports!

So many big and small things have happened, it is hard to catch up. Much like your campers, I promise to write more often…

Before I sign off though, a couple words of advice – if you are joining us for Visitors Day or picking your child up at the buses today:
– Weather will be VERY HOT. Bring water, wear a hat, and stick to the shade.
– Highway 35 is under construction in many areas. Delays are common. The Grantburg exit is CLOSED so plan to take a different route and allow extra time. We’ve been allowing more time for buses but a Sunday departure and traffic may cause delays so don’t worry if they pull in a little late.

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