June 21, 2019

21 Jun, 2019



Wow! Yesterday was awesome. I got to spend a minute with Ryan, our waterskiing instructor, in between ski runs! We are so lucky to have him at camp this summer and I wanted you to meet him.


Here’s a short a video.


Our new activities are bringing some serious ruach (spirit) to camp. Seeing campers try new things and build skills in new areas highlights one of my favorite parts of our mission – building independence and resilience. The confidence and audacity involved in trying new things is a key part of each of those skills. At meals, we recognize campers’ firsts – catching a fish, ringing the bell at the top of the climbing wall, getting up on skis, hitting the target in archery. Celebrating our accomplishments recognizes bravery and encourages others to try something new the next day.


This is our first Shabbat – I can’t wait to get in my whites for the first time and caravan to the Mercaz.  Programs have been working on their flag songs, staff have been planning the d’var Torah and sichot topics; the kitchen staff are working on a delicious family meal for us… I’ll miss blogging with you tomorrow but will share stories from this first Shabbat early next week.

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