News From the Camp Clipboard: B-I-K-K-U-R-I-M, Bikkurim!

Hayley Wizig, Tzrif (Cabin) Life Coordinator


B-I-K-K-U-R-I-M, Bikkurim!

That’s right, folks, color wars came to Herzl Camp this weekend. The news broke Saturday night after Havdallah that we would be competing in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle themed bikkurim. Campers of all ages were pumped up and ready to give their all to the day ahead of them. Sunday was filled with schtick (camp silliness), competition, and so much more! Each team created plaques, dances, and even slam poetry to show off their ruach (spirit). When it came down to it, Purple team was victorious!

Great job to all of our campers who competed with amazing sportsmanship!!

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