Week 4 – News from Camp


Dear Herzl Camp Parents and Families,

We hope this blog post finds you well! We are excited to share the many adventures of second session, Kadimah and B’yachad’s second week. Your campers continue to embrace every moment and create memories that will last a lifetime. Here’s a recap of the eventful week we’ve had here in Webster.

One highlight of the week was undoubtedly Bikkurim, our version of “color wars.” The ruach and shtick shown by our campers during this friendly competition were truly remarkable. The Purple team – also known as Team Groot! – took the victory, showcasing their teamwork, determination, and spirit. It was an unforgettable experience for all involved and pretty epic to witness.

In other news, the second week of Chugim began. While old favorites like World League brought pure bliss and excitement to our campers, we’ve added some new ones that are soon to be old favorites. One fun one is Herzl Book Club. In Book Club, campers had the opportunity to visit the Webster library for a special tour with the librarian and each chug member received their very own Webster library card – it is sure to be a treasured camp souvenir!

This past weekend, we welcomed back one of our former Rosh Shira, Flip Frisch, as a guest musician. Listening as she sang familiar Friday night songs brought back waves of nostalgia, reminding me of the unique impact that Herzl Camp magic has on our lives.

Kadimah campers have begun preparing for the Kadimah play, “Shrek Jr.”, an important rite of passage and eagerly anticipated annual tradition. We can’t wait to see their hard work and creativity come to life on stage at the end of the summer.

Our B’yachad campers had their first out-of-camp Avodah (community service work) this week, a cherished tradition here at Herzl for our eldest campers. They volunteered at Interfaith Caregivers, a local organization dedicated to helping those in need around the community. Our Yachers organized and moved lots and lots of firewood for families who cannot afford it, ensuring they stay warm during the colder months.

I continue to be amazed and inspired every day by our incredible staff. We’ve been working together to prepare for our American Camp Association (ACA) visit next week. Herzl has been accredited by the ACA for many decades. This requires adhering to over 300 standards that the industry sets to ensure safety and best practices. Every staff member has an important role to play in maintaining these standards and I am pleased with the way they have shouldered this responsibility. This, along with watching their interactions with campers, their leadership during activities, and their conversations about the meaning behind Herzl traditions fills me with pride. It’s remarkable to think about the fact that just 10-15 years prior, many of our staff members were young campers themselves, learning these traditions from their own staff.

As we prepare for Shabbat, I am grateful for the opportunity to care for your children as they create lifelong memories, new friendships, and their own strong identity as a member of the Jewish community. The energy, enthusiasm, and love shared by our campers and staff are what make Herzl the special place that it is. We look forward to the adventures that lie ahead and the continued growth and joy we will experience together.

Wishing you a peaceful Shabbat,

Danya Kornblum

Director of Camp Life and Culture

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