30 Nov, 2022

Welcoming Danya back to camp!

I am delighted to introduce the newest member of the Herzl Camp year-round staff: Danya Kornblum, who will beour Director of Camp Life & Culture. In this senior lead...

25 Aug, 2022

Saying L’hitraot to Drea Lear

When the buses rolled out of camp on the last day, I closed a chapter, really many chapters, of my life. After 27 summers at Herzl Camp, I am stepping out of my professional r...

B’yachad Shabbat Dvar Torah – Intentions Matter

Last Shabbat was planned and led by B'yachad, our 10th grade camper group. We're intentionally sharing Camille Brimmer's D'var Torah...   Shabbat Shalom. This we...

1 Aug, 2022

Herzl Happenings in Mickey’s Mitbach


26 Jul, 2022

Our take on the camp photo conversation

A recent article in the Forward and the response to it got us thinking about photography at Herzl Camp particularly. Over the years we’ve tried many approaches - a single...

Helping “campsick” kids

At camp, we spend a lot of energy preventing and managing homesickness. As campers head home from camp, our families are confronted with “campsick” kids! Here’s some ide...

21 Jul, 2022

Herzl Happenings – Chatting with Rabbi JP


12 Jul, 2022


B-I-K-K!! B-I-K-K!! BIKKURIM!! Today’s the day!! After a Nickelodeon-themed opening, we’ve broken into 6 teams each with an associated Nick-tv show -Red (The Adventures...

6 Jul, 2022

The Campers are HERE!

Wow! Over 300 campers arrived yesterday and camp is at full capacity!  The ruach and joy are overflowing!   Yesterday, campers were welcomed at the Mercaz, a covid tradi...

30 Jun, 2022

Herzl Happenings – Chef Louie Edition
